Thursday, July 16, 2009

Of mud and messes and mayhem

I hate cleaning kitchen floors. Well, all floors actually. It started when I was a kid and we always had to do it on our hands and knees, I swore when I "grew up" that I would only use a mop. Either I still haven't grown up (ain't that the truth) or I can't break the habit. I still clean on my hands and knees. I did buy a mop once, but they are everything my Mom always said they were. Dirty, smelly and they just spread the filth around. While on you hands and knees you can really get in there and get the grime. (Not that you would find anything like that on my floor...) So, on Monday I got out the bucket and sponge and got to work. Tuesday I must have spilled something on the floor because it was a bit sticky so I got down on my knees and cleaned a portion of it again. About an hour later I decided that I needed to clean the highchair. (It belongs to the people from whom we are renting, most of their stuff is dirty but the high chair was beyond disgusting. I wasn't about to let Ella within 10 feet of the thing.) By the time I finished scrubbing off food that was harder than cement there were crumbs and dirty marks covering the floor again. So for the second time that day I scrubbed. Now, I love my husband, he is wonderful, but he likes to wear shoes in the house. This is all fine and dandy till he wears black soled shoes on the white linoleum. The short of it is that I cleaned the floor again, before bed. On Wednesday I gave the floor a break, I could almost hear the complaints of to much scrubbing. But today, ahhh, today. I felt like I was reliving something that happened to my mom when I was just a baby. She had just made a container of red punch and put it in the fridge. I cant remember all the details but I am pretty sure what happened is that I pulled the whole thing out of the fridge and it covered the kitchen floor in a sticky mess. My poor mother. I am sure that today is not anywhere near as bad but I was under some pressure to get things done. The house was a disaster. (how does it get that was so quickly?) I did not have a plan for dinner, Charles was coming home in and hour and a half plus I was trying to fill out a head resident application before 5:00. Ella woke up from her nap hungry. She was yelling and crying about it. So I went to the fridge to get out a 3/4 full jar of carrots. I guess the lid wasn't on and so when, in a rush, I quickly grabbed it out of the fridge it splattered all over the kitchen floor. I stood in shock. I felt like crying. Good grief, have a baby and you will cry over everything. I decided to try and find some humor in the situation. That failed. so instead I just weighed my options, I needed to clean it up now otherwise it would probably stain the linoleum, but Ella was pretty upset and needed to eat. I quickly wiped it up and feed her. Then I rushed around the house cleaning up before Charles came home. Then as I lean over to get Ella out of the high chair, (she had been playing with toys in it)and see that she is covered in poop. I mean covered. Again, I stood there on my not so clean kitchen floor thinking if I closed my eyes the mess would disappear. No luck. So I took my beautiful, smelly baby girl to the tub and put her backside under the faucet. (Did I mention I had just finished cleaning the bathroom, now I had poop on the floor allover the tub etc.) Luckily when she was clean my wonderful, amazing husband came home and cleaned the kitchen up for me. So, I think that I have learned my lesson.

Whats the point of cleaning, it will just get dirty anyways.

To bad I will never be able to follow that. sigh.


Carla said...

Reading this brings back memories... I commiserate with you.
Please don't clean for us, though. Listen to the cries of your floor ~ "enough already!"

Michelle said...

Hahaha! Laura, welcome to the wonderful joys of motherhood. I know you've been a mom for a good time now, but as Ella gets bigger and more mobile, you're in for a different world.

Here's a tip: Whenever I scrub our kitchen floor, I mentally tell myself: "in the next two or three days, Emily is going to spill something, I will drop something and Matt will walk on it with his shoes." So that when I have days just like you described, I don't cry! Of course there are some days that no matter the preparation, I cry anyway...

Love Michelle Little (Samuelsen)