Monday, July 20, 2009


I was just craving some chocolate, I kept telling myself to resit and eat some fruit instead...

I now have a big bowl of tasty chex muddy buddies sitting on the kitchen counter, you should come and eat some.

I wonder what Charles will say. :)

On another note, look who moved in to our front porch

The parents fly around, sounding the alarm and trying to dive bomb us every time we walk out the front door. Ella thinks its hilarious.

Ella update.
She is sitting pretty well, though sometimes she gets bored and just falls over, she still need some support I think her diaper makes it hard for her to balance. She also likes to sit in the high chair and throw her toys on the floor. Then she waits not so patiently for me to retrieve them for her.

I just love this little girl!


Ginger said...

Ella is adorable, she is growing so fast. She is at one of my favorite ages!