Sunday, October 19, 2008

My weakness

Whenever I find a recipe that looks good or different or fun to make I get this itch. It starts with me telling Charles "hey doesn't this look good". Then I keep reviewing the recipe looking at the ingredients. Before I know it I have the ingredients in my pantry and see no reason why I shouldn't just try it out. SO here is my new favorite! I found the recipe on a great blog, Everyday Food Storage. The blog is run by a full time Mom in Utah. She is always posting something new and I love to try her ideas. Anyway the recipe is for pumpkin butterscotch cookies. They are so delicious, you would never know that they are made with whole wheat flour and oatmeal. I suggest that you all go to your kitchens and make them now. :) You can find the recipe here on her blog. Enjoy!


Twenty Somethin' said...

crap my mom is gone for a week but those sounds really goods. Whut am i supposed to do?

Lyle said...

Hmm, the butterscotch sounds tasty but I'm not sure how I feel about the pumpkin...

ps--Not only can Hugh apparently not cook, but he also can't spell either. :P