Thursday, October 23, 2008

Life from a Bed

To make a blanket announcement, I have been put on bed rest for two weeks. Don't worry the baby and I are, for the most part, fine. It is because there is not enough fluid in the placenta meaning that the baby is probably not getting enough nutrients from the blood. So everything she does get goes to her brain and heart not her kidneys. The purpose of my bedridden state is so that instead of using the energy for me to walk around and go to work and classes it can all be used for my baby girl. I am not exactly excited about the diagnosis but am willing to do anything which will help the baby.
A life of leisure has never really sat well with me, I don't know why but I usually go crazy after two or three days of doing nothing. So in an effort to squelch the boredom before it hits I have decided to use this time to my advantage. I have a few projects which need finishing up and I am going to get a head start on finals. I also am reading lots of books about labor, delivery and nursing. Hopefully this will keep things interesting. On the bright side, today I enjoyed having some peaceful quiet time to myself. With the busy life Charles and I lead that is a luxury. :)


Twenty Somethin' said...

I'm telling you. World of Warcraft. I'll pay for it!

Laura said...

Thanks for the offer but I really think that might be detrimental to my health :)

Leslie said...

ugh, i was on bedrest for 10 weeks with my first baby. all i can say is this, "at least you have no other kids to deal with." i only knew how lucky i was to be on bedrest with number one after i had number two.

so, i wish you luck. it's super boring, but SO worth it. your baby needs you. :)

The Queen said...

Bummer. Are your classes online??

Although, there's got to be a way to turn this into a good thing. Like, for instance, make Charles feed you grapes and chocolate or something.
"I'm sorry, honey, I'm not allowed out of bed. Doctor's orders!"

Charles said...

Hugh, you should pay for me as I am waiting on Laura's every request, according to Judy's wonderful idea.

Lyle said...

I would be reading novels. And watching movies. That would be terrific.

Jenny said...

hope the resting helps you and the baby. have fun reading up on labor, delivery, and nursing. i love that stuff. :) good luck w/ the resting. maybe it will snow and you can enjoy NOT being out in the cold and the wind, hiking up the hill to class. ;)

Unknown said...

Try not to go crazy! I know it's tough but hopefully it's only temporary and the baby will get what she needs in the couple weeks you're resting. Wish I was there to cook and clean for ya. We'd watch movies and play games all day!! Oh, and if you ever do get in the gaming mood... you can always try Settlers online!

Home Front said...

what happened to calling her Ella, sorry that that happened.
love you