Friday, October 24, 2008

Alzheimer’s at an early age?

Charles and I had this conversation at the doctors office,
Me: (talking mostly to myself as I am filling out the new patient questionaire)I'm 20, Charles 23...
Charles: Um, Laura, I am not 23.
Me: What? Yes you are. You turned 23 this year.
Charles: no, (smiling at me) I think I know how old I am. I turned 22.
Me: (thinking to myslef I must be going crazy) Are you sure, I could have sworn you turned 23.
Charles: I'm sure, I am 22.
Me: ok
SO I wrote in 22 and kept going. I couldnt stop thinking that Charles was worng. Wait a sec..
Me: You were 21 when you came home from your mission in April, you turned 22 the summer we were dating so this summer so you did turn 23. I was RIGHT!
Charles: oh whopps, your right. I am 23.

I guess I will be keeping track of all the birthdays and ages in our family. :)


elliott said...

I think it's easier to remember the year in which I was born than it is to remember my age. Your birth year never changes, after all. That way you can just subtract from the current year whenever you need to find out how old you are.

The Queen said...

Elliott, that would require math, and who has time for that?

Laura, so sorry, it runs in the family. I can't ever remember how old I am either, and our mother already has Alzheimer's. Basically, you're outta luck.

Ginger said...

hahahaha, that cracks me up. mostly, because like Judy said, I can never remember my age either... it really does run in the family!

Lyle said...

Um, you're only 20? I thought you guys were the same age.

Em said...

I know how you feel, im the one to remember birthdays.
If you tell me your birthday, for most of the time i remember it.