Sunday, November 21, 2010

She is growing up way to fast.

No she didn't drive, but she did figure out how to put the key in the ignition. on the first try...


Ella went pee pee in the potty for the first time today! I haven't really been pushing this whole potty training thing. Actually I wasn't planning on training her for a while because I'm not really ready. Ella however has other plans. She has been obsessed with the potty, sitting on it, flushing it, cleaning it etc. Today however instead of just getting on and pulling all of the toilet paper off the roll she got down to business and wha lah! She seemed a bit surprised that he pee could make noise in the toilet. When I tried to put a diaper back on her she was NOT happy. I tried to explain calmly to an on the verge of a tantrum child how mommy wasn’t buying training pants on Sunday and that she couldn’t walk around half naked because it is freezing cold and she might pee on the floor. In the end she wore her diaper but no pants. Sometimes I just am grateful for what I get and turn up the heater. :)

That aside.

Hooray for big girl Ella!

(Just a side note, never in my wildest before pregnancy and child rearing life dreams did I ever think I would post something like that. To much information???)


Brent said...


Jenny said...

pretty exciting! what a smart girl. good luck!

Unknown said...

congrats! we're waiting until after the holidays.