Friday, March 20, 2009

Thoughts for Friday

I love waking up in the early hours of the morning to the sound of birds chirping. It fills me with energy and hope for the coming day. Lately I have also been waking up to the sound of my little girl when she is read to eat. Tucking her into bed with me, she begins to suck in life. The little noises she makes are soothing, reminders of my new calling to motherhood. My memory drives me backwards to a warm day in November. My family lived in sunny southern California. To me home was the three bedroom flat with the large heater at the end of the hall that my siblings and I used to huddle around after bath time. I awoke early that morning to birds and the soft sound of my mother sweeping off the back porch. It was then I remembered. It was my birthday! I was so excited; I quietly got out of bed and walked over to the back door. I sat on the stoop and watched my mom sweep. Steady rhythmic motions, swish, swish, swish. Like the sound of milk being sucked into a baby’s mouth. This morning I feel that same sort of excited feeling as lay warm in bed surrounded by my family. Outside the bird chirps on. It’s going to be a good day!


Ginger said...

That was a very nice story... but can you please post pics of your sweet baby girl?!? I got all excited, but then there were no pics!


Jenny said...

I hope you had a wonderful day!