Monday, March 30, 2009


Ella gets two shots today...ouch
I always thought that all moms were tough, and things like shots didn't scare them. Now I am a mom and my little girl is getting shots I don't think I'll even be able to watch. Pretty much I am a wimp.

She actually received 5 vaccines 4 shots and one by mouth. I felt so bad, she started to frown and cried her "sad" cry(which quickly turned to her mad, pain and frightened cry. But shes a champ! She stopped crying as soon as they were done and then puked the polio vaccine out onto the nurse. (and just as a side note, I almost cried but thought one of us should keep it together.)So, we survived.


Jenny said...

i hate shots. i always feel guilty that the little ones don't know what's coming, but that is a little easier than the older ones who dread it and either cry or try to act tough. either way it breaks my heart. good luck.

Lyle said...

Shots scare me. Like, "Mr. Riggs, why don't you lay down in this room for a few minutes" scared.

Apparently, I can never be a mom.

Carla said...

You're much more stoic than I ever was!