Thursday, November 5, 2009

I did it!

So you may remember when I decided to take part in the couch to 5K about 10 weeks ago. Well, guess what...


For the last two weeks I have been running about 2.7 miles but today I ran the whole 3 miles.


It took me one week longer than the plan because I was sick a few times in there but I did it! It feels great! Don't get me wrong, it was so hard. I have been running in 20 degree weather for the past few weeks. (this is only because the best time for me to run is around 7 a.m. if I went later in the day it would have been anywhere from 30 - 65 degrees.) Running never seems to fit easily in my schedule. Mornings are crazy with breakfast, feeding Ella, getting off to school etc.But I decided this was important enough so I made it work. Of course Charles played a huge role. He took care of Ella while I was out and got her ready on those mornings.
Other changes we have made are eating more veggies and less sweets. I can truthfully say that I haven't eaten this many vegetables since I left my parents house and became a poor college student. Yikes! I have tried to include some with every dinner and as a snack during the day.
The changes may seem small but to me they are huge! After having Ella I wasn't sure I would ever be able to run like I used to but seems I was wrong. If I can do this, you can to. It is such a great feeling to set a goal and accomplish it. If three miles seems like to much then start with one. It is all about what you think you can do. All I know is that doing anything, big or small, to live a healthier lifestyle is good step in the right direction.

(Thank you Judy and My Litter for giving me the initial encouragement!)


The Queen said...

Awesome!! I didn't get past the first day... :/

Twenty Somethin' said...

Laura! This is why you are so awesome. Good stinkin' job. Eating is DEFINATELY a big part. It's interesting though because now that I have been working out so much, it seems that I no longer desire that crap like Panda Express and double cheese burgers. Running in 20 weather must be pretty bad. Shows how dedicated you are. Nice job. let's work on that husband of yours.

Carla said...

That's terrific! What an accomplishment to remember when other times are hard. :)

Lyle said...

Nice job running woman.

newlyweds said...

Good for you Laura! Thats amazing!