Thursday, June 11, 2009

Odds and Ends

Things have been a bit wild, so here's and update.

We have had rain, and lots of it. The lawn is becoming a jungle. The grass is quite long but we cant mow it because it is sopping wet.
Check this storm cloud out, looks like something from Independence day.

The neighbors had a huge block garage sale last weekend so I decided to get out of my house and meet them. Everyone here is so nice! We had a lot of fun perusing the merchandise. I couldn't help myself when I came to someone selling bows and flowers for babies heads. This is her website. Cute!

Apparently I need to be more careful how I bend and pick Ella up because I threw out my back. I have never done this before but it is awful! Yesterday I couldn't really move at all, today I am able to get around the house and can pick Ella up if I am careful. From now on I am going to be very wary how I lift and bend!

I thought this was cute, Ella was "helping" Charles hang stuff up in the closet. She likes to be around us wherever we are.


The Queen said...

Yikes! That cloud is freaky! Those things scare me. So sorry about your back. That's how I hurt mine: picking up David. No fun, fo sho.

That Ella is so cute. I love her chubbs. :)

Brent said...

That's a great storm cloud. Ella is lovely. Hope you're feeling better.

Carla said...

Look at the grin on Charles face!

I'm sorry about your back... so hard to manage with a baby in the house.

Lyle said...

Ahhh, that sucks about your back. I've started seeing a chiropracter to deal with my back issues.

Jenny said...

i hope your back is okay.
that cloud looks so cool, and i love seeing pictures of ella. she's adorable.

Cleo said...

I love the expression on Ella's face in that first picture. :)

When I'm up at school you can call me whenever you throw out your back!