Sunday, May 17, 2009


When the weather warms up we actually like to go outside. Yesterday it was in the 70's very nice! We went to feed the local wildlife at the duck pond. Unfortunately I left the camera lying on the bed so I did not get pictures of Ella's first encounter with ducks. She seemed strangely fascinated by them. I don't think she knew what to think but at least she wasn't afraid. It was so nice to walk around the park in the sunshine. Everyone was out including some large turtles who were sunning them selves on some logs. Very cool.

Other events in the neighborhood include,

Ella can now suck her thumb! I think this is a great thing especially since she is a little Houdini and can get her hands out of the swaddle. Now she can suck her thumb instead of waking up and crying!

Ella has also decided she likes to help Charles study for accounting. Its a great way to get her to fall asleep ;)

Last but not least, Ella loves to drool! Check out that spit.