Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am getting nervous

Actually, that would be an understatement. Pretty much I'm Freaking Out about labor and delivery! pain + needles + the unknown = a very worried pregnant women


Twenty Somethin' said...

man, I wonder how Charles must feel then. :(

The Queen said...

Aww, you'll do great!

Lyle said...

Yeah, that's why I've never gotten pregnant.

Ginger said...

That's why you should do natural needles!

Carla said...

Giving birth at home = no needles!
You'll do fine, Laura. And when it's all over, you'll have a sweet little girl. :)

Julie/mom said...

Are you people kidding me? It really hurts - get an epidural! (I know Liz - she's done my dishes.) The epidural is WAY better than labor.

Rae said...

Go for the epidural!!! You'll be fine. . . women have been doing this for thousands of years, (without them) right? (I have to tell myself that each time, but I'm still here!) Besides. . . it's totally worth it!!!!

The Queen said...

Actually my labors with Emily and David didn't hurt so long as I could get in a good position and relax. Pushing hurt like the dickens... but sometimes epidurals fail and then it hurts anyway! You should be prepared to go either way. A good book to read (although take it with a grain of salt 'cause she is super
a natural) is Natural Childbirth, the Bradley way. It was so helpful!! The important thing is that your birth is something that you look back on as a positive experience, no matter if that means an epidural or not. :) Here's the link, you'll have to cut and paste cause I don't know how to get it in here.