Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Day

We all know the importance of November 4th. Tomorrow we all have the chance to go to the polls and let our voices be heard. Who will win, who will loose? What will pass, what will not? These are all questions we have rolling around in our heads. As I have been reading web posts, blogs, and news articles about proposition 8 I have noticed something. Voting yes or no is something we a people take very personally. So much so that there are those who will steal signs from the opposing sides yard, swear and bash others beliefs, chase after and throw stones at those who knock doors for the cause, rip bumper stickers off cars and so on. They tell us that we should not include our religious beliefs in the matter because that is not what the issue is about. I disagree; to me this matter is tied directly to my religious beliefs.
Tomorrow many will go to the polls and vote yes or no. The number will be calculated and California will decide. But this is not a fight that started there, nor will it end in California. Who are we really fighting against? Are we really only fighting a group of people who oppose our beliefs? I don’t think so, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) We are fighting for eternal truths, for what is right. We fight for the divine sanctity of marriage. We fight because “children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.” (Proclamation to the world) And at those time when we may feel like there is no hope, when we feel like the world is full of so much opposition. When we think, how can we ever succeed? It is then that we can find strength in the Lord. In 2 Kings in the Old Testament Elisha makes a profound and comforting statement. At this point in time the King of Syria has surrounded the city where Elisha is with a large army. Elisha’s servant wakes in the morning and looks out at the great army, he worriedly goes to Elisha and asks, as many of us would “Alas my master, how shall we do?” Elisha answers him, “Fear not: for they that are with us are more than they that be with them.” Elisha then prays and the servants eyes are opened, he is able to see that the mountain is filled with horses and chariots of fire. (2 Kings 6:15-17) In the same way when I become filled with doubt I go to the Lord and ask, alas my master, how shall I do? I firmly believe that the answer is the same today. We are not alone in this battle, there are countless numbers who have gone before us who are there helping us.
So as I prepare for the results tomorrow I do it with hope and peace. Though man through the ages has tried to change truth to fit their own personal ideals, God’s truth has never changed. Whether or not Proposition 8 passes it will not change the truth. Truth, eternal truth, is unchangeable.


Unknown said...

Wow Laura, you gave me chills... What a powerful testimony. Thank you for sharing those thoughts and scriptures.