Monday, May 12, 2008

What a great weekend

What a weekend! Not only did Jacob receive his mission call but John and Jenny came to visit! Jonah came as well! It was so good to see them, Jonah is pretty funny, when he had received the tour of our apartment he looked around and then asked me, "So where are your kids?"

Charles and John played stratego, When John made a loud "blowing up Charles noise" Johnah immediately went over to see what game they were playing. When Jenny asked if it was ok for him to blow up his brother, Jonah says whispers, yeah. Sounds like something my brothers would have said at that age :)

It was so good to see them!

The other event this weekend was Mothers Day! It seems that as soon as you get married you get to be honored. I thought it was pretty funny. At church they gave all of the women flowers and a balloon. It was chaos in the foyer after sacrament meeting while everyone was trying to get the flower they wanted. Then the balloons set off the fire alarm so we had to evacuate the building. Oh what fun.

The best part was that my sister sent me a sweet card. She is so awesome and will be a great mom someday!

So Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers out there!


The Queen said...

Jonah is so cute. :) I'm jealous you guys got to hang out!

Jenny said...

it was so fun to see you guys. jonah had a great time. :)