Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ode to Jacob

This is my brother,

He's a pretty goofy guy :)

He is here at at school right now which is AWESOME cause we get to hang out all the time! Jacob and I are not even two years apart so as we have gotten older we have become best friends, talking all the time and hanging out. His birthday is July 7th. Its a pretty big deal because this year he turns 19 ! He turned in his papers about a month about so we have been waiting for the big white envelope. We were sure it would come on Thursday but seeing how we live so far out on the east coast it came Friday. I had a voicemail telling me that it had come when I got out of work. I immediately called Jacob. He figured he would have to wait till Saturday night to read it since the whole family was doing stuff (plus he was on a date, what a ladies man) I am not that patient so I conspired with my mom to get everyone to stay up late so we could all be on the phone while it was opened. To make a long story shorter we opened it at 10:30 11:00 ish last night (so for my parents it was 12:30 - 1:00 ish in the morning that's pretty impressive;) SO, to get to the point he is going to the (drum roll please)

Brazil Salvador South Mission!

Here we are all across the country listening in...

My parents and lil sis look pretty tired but they sure were awake and perky on the phone!

My parents scanned the letter and e-mailed it then Charles looked up the mission area online for Jacob. Its a pretty big area.

We are all very excited for him!


Carla said...

Congratulations to Jacob! He's a terrific young man, and he'll do well on his mission. Brazil seems such an interesting place to go.
Nice of your parents to stay up so late! No one wanted to wait a minute longer to find out the mission!

The Queen said...

Yay! Congrats Jacob! You know what Brazil means you know... MAJOR farmer tan when you get back! hehehe. Jenny's brother is in Brazil I believe.

Unknown said...

Yay for Jacob! I can't believe he's all grown up and serving missions... ::sniff sniff:: where did the time go? He'll have a blast in Brazil and have lots of opportunity to teach the Lord's children. I'm so happy for him!

PS: Laura, I love the way you are doing your hair these days. You look fantastic!

Jenny said...

congratulations jacob! how exciting! my little borther IS in brazil and he's doing great. :) hope you'll keep us posted once jacob goes!