Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Ella and I have a bi-morning ritual of going out to the garden, watering and checking on the plants. This morning we gave the tomatoes a long water with the hose on low so it could really soak the soil. It has been pretty hot. Ella loves to stand there in her rain boots and hold the hose. I was moving some pots around (rats don't like change, so I move the planters every so often) and talking to my mom on the phone. We had been out there for about 10 minutes when all of a sudden a HUGE rat shot out of the grass by Ella's feet and ran to a hole in the bricks by the fence. It happened so fast, Ella and I both jumped and then Ella ran to the other side of the lawn. I took the hose and sprayed it into the rat hole, hoping it would deter the rat from coming out anytime soon. I cant believe how gutsy the rat was, hanging out in my garden in broad daylight! I wonder if Ella will be so eager to water in the future...


Lori said...


Carla said...

She'll be eager for next time if she has a hose in her hands! haha
You should have seen what I did to the squirrel with his face in my tomatoes. Oh, yes.. a hose with a good spray of water is one's best friend.