Monday, January 16, 2012

First Day of Primary

Ella is now a sunbeam! As we walked to primary I was trying to blink away tears. I was not going to cry! Especially since I had a gospel doctrine lesson to go teach. It was a big step for me to see her transition from nursery to primary, from a baby to a young child. How has she grown up so fast? She walked in a bit worried, I could feel her anxiety about being in the primary room with so many children. Then she saw her best friend, all her worry left! She confidently walked over to sit down next to her friend and didn't look up as I left. She has now gone for three weeks and LOVES it!


Brent said...

Hurray for Ella; they grow up so fast.

Lori said...

Memories come flooding back to me.

Carla said...

Confident is a good word to describe Ella. I know she'll enjoy Primary.