Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break

Schools out.

So far we have done a lot of driving seen a lot of family, done a lot of puking (tmi?) and eaten a lot of good food,

spent a lot of time in the sunshine, played the piano at many different peoples houses

(Ella loves to play the piano).
Though not necessarily in that order. Ella has pretty much been the only one doing the puking. We have just been cleaning it all up.


I hope you are all having as much fun as we are!


Jenny said...

sorry about the puking. hope you all feel better soon. it was great to see you!

Carla said...

Well, no one's sick here, so we may be having even *more* fun than you!
Can hardly wait to see you this week.r

Lyle said...

Hey, we had chocolate cake, too!