Thursday, September 15, 2011

I smell a rat!

Well, our blissful newly moved into a wonderful house life came crashing down around our ears this last week. We have Rats. inside the house. IN THE KITCHEN. Disgusting,abhorrent, atrocious, awful, bad, base, beastly, contemptible, cursed, despicable, foul, grim, grody, gross, hairy, heinous, hellish, horrible, horrid, loathsome, lousy, nauseating, obnoxious, odious, offensive, repellent, reprehensible, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rotten, stinking, terrible, vile, wretched rats. The screen for under the house was left off by the owners for the first two weeks we lived there. They put it on on Saturday. The smell started on Sunday The chewing was found Monday. The sounds started on Monday and the stink became unbearable on Tuesday. We cant even live there right now it is so nauseating. It makes me sick to breath that air. The owners sent and exterminator who put down traps. That was Tuesday. This is a wily rat who isn't about to get caught in a mere trap. Today they are sending someone under the house. I am going to request that we get a cat and that out rent is reduced for the month since WE CANT EVEN LIVE THERE. If you would like to know more about rats click here.


Jenny said...

oh my gosh. how horrible! i hope they get things worked out soon.

Rachel and Jared said...

Yeah that's pretty gross....But in defense of rats...domestic ones make great pets! :D

Lori said...

Love the adjectives!