Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We're not in Kansas anymore...

Since moving I have been researching things to do with Ella in the area.
The library near us only has a pre-school story time for children 3 and up. When I asked if it would be ok for Ella to go they said, "Well we don't care if she is younger unless she makes noise or moves around." (I guess all of those three year old who go are perfect angels) Then I found out other libraries in town have toddler story time but you have to pre-register for it.
And they only allow 25 children to join in.
In Idaho it was a free for all. Two different days a week and anyone could come. None of this, standing in a line of anxious parents two weeks before story time to register.

For some reason all of this makes me laugh.


Jenny said...

I used to try taking the boys to storytime or lap time at our library. Bentley didn't like it unless he was the main attraction, though, so after a while I gave up. :)

Ours is a free for all, too.