Monday, February 23, 2009

Blessing Day

Yesterday we had Ella's blessing. Amazing isn't it, how before you have a baby an hour and a half is plenty of time to get ready for church but after you the baby is born it's not enough. Ella had been up ALL night long so we were both exhausted. I knew that if we put Ella in her dress first it would be dirty by the time we got to church. We decided to swap holding her so the other could get ready and then we put her in the dress right before we left. It was a good thing to because guess what she did right after the blessing... at least she waited until it was over. We arrived just in time for them to announce that Ella was going to be blessed.

It was hard to get her to look at the camera

This is one of the few pictures of the after party. It was a grand time! :)

On another note Charles and I celebrated our one year anniversary on Monday. Oh how I love Charles! He is such a wonderful husband. It has been a wonderfully amazing year!


Jenny said...

she's beautiful! i'm so glad you posted pictures! we love to see ella. i'm glad she waited till after the blessing to . . .

congratulations on your anniversary! so glad the two of you are married.

The Queen said...

I'm so glad we could be there!

Lyle said...

Whoa, a year! You guys are an old married couple!

Michelle said...

When Emily was born, she screamed through the entire blessing! And then about halfway through, we heard the sound of her emptying her intestines and she stopped crying! Needless to say Matt ended the blessing REALLY quickly after that so I could get to her before her diaper exploded on everyone's hands!