Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Days

Things are going really well. I feel like I have been posting gloom and doom for a few weeks. Really life is not bad at all! The rodent problem is being dealt with. In fact next week will be having all of the attic insulation (and along with it rat droppings) vacuumed out and then the entire attic resealed. Then it will be sprayed so as to get rid of all diseases which rats bring with new insulation being blown in to finish. Awesome no? The holes in the kitchen will be filled up and soon life will be back to normal....

Oh wait. Maybe not.

Did I mention I am in labor?

Yep. This little guy is so excited to come. I am in what my doctor calls sporadic labor. So I contract for 3-7 hrs every day and then stop. Things are progressing nicely. I am almost 100% effaced and dilated to 1 cm. This is good. We don't want things to progress to fast. I would love for the baby to stay in there for at least 2 more weeks, four would be awesome. The contractions are very tiring so I have been sleeping a lot when they stop.
With Ella I didn't contract at all until the day they induced me so this is a whole new experience. (which I hear is normal for each pregnancy) We are excited to have this baby whenever he wants to get here. :)

Ella is very excited to be starting her ballet and tap class. She like to put on her tutu and shoes to dance around. So cute! She also is enjoying being a new mommy herself. Her "baby" is a little lamb called "lambie" She feeds her, rocks her, sings to her and puts her down for naps and bedtime before she can go to bed. It is very sweet to see. I think she knows that this is what we will be doing with baby brother in a few weeks.

I had a neat experience with the baby and Ella. She was singing him some of her songs the other day, sitting by my right side. When she would stop her would push out toward her. Then she would sing again and he would relax. It happened quite a few times. I think it made her feel special. I thought it was sweet.

And to round out this post. Here are some pics from my baby shower. My sister Sarah and my friend Elizabeth put on an amazing party! It was so much fun! I cant believe how much work they put into it, what amazing ladies!
These are the pictures taken by my friend Elizabeth)
Click on her name to learn more about how she did the cake.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to find humor in any situation

I just found this article and read it to Charles. We both completely understood the poor chap's situation and were able to laugh at the satirical humor of dealing with vermin.

On that happy note we caught our first rat last night. Hopefully we will catch them all before too long. We also caught a mouse under the hose. The exterminator said it is very odd to have both rats and mice since rats can be quite territorial. Of course our house would be the exception.

Other than that life is going on as usual. We canned some beautiful and delicious pears last weekend. Ella has been my super helper lately. She picks up things I cant get and brings me water when I don't feel well. I love her so much and appreciate her sweet desire to serve. Charles is busy with work and recently was called to be the stake auditor. Lucky guy, now he can even count numbers on Sunday's :)

We are all looking forward to the new baby! For Ella, October cant come fast enough. (though it is hard to tell what is more exciting, picking a costume or getting a brother.)

Ella helping me to dry the silverware (we have to bleach everything the rats come in contact with)

Ella helping Aunt Sarah pick tomatoes